Episode 344 - Earthquake Talk with Jacob Margolis

Jacob Margolis (@JacobMargolis), KPCC science reporter and host of the podcast The Big One, talks with Andy about the two recent major California earthquakes, what they mean for those living on nearby faultlines, what to do to prepare yourself for future quakes, FEMA's earthquake safety checklist, Jacob's supply shopping list and and his podcast detailing the repercussions of a hypothetical catastrophic earthquake in Los Angeles. This episode is brought to you by The Great Courses Plus, offering Probably Science listeners a free month of unlimited access to thousands of lectures by visiting TheGreatCoursesPlus.com/probably

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Professional comedians with so-so STEM pedigrees take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Featuring hosts Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood (and sometimes Jesse Case or Brooks Wheelan) along with a rotating cast of special guests from the worlds of comedy and science.