Episode 434 - David B. Lyons and Jesse Case

Jesse returns to the show to help welcome David B. Lyons (@david_b_lyons), a podcaster and film location manager who not only co-created Yacht Rock but also has the inside scoop on Norbit and why Eddie Murphy loves fat suits. David and the gang also discuss three volcanoes erupting simultaneously, curbing methane emissions, wandering mammoths, a T. Rex selling at auction, the crazy story behind the Twilight Zone movie and Matt's show Memory Hole on Roku. This episode is brought to you by Wondrium, offering Probably Science listeners a free month of unlimited access by visiting Wondrium.com/probably

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Professional comedians with so-so STEM pedigrees take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Featuring hosts Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood (and sometimes Jesse Case or Brooks Wheelan) along with a rotating cast of special guests from the worlds of comedy and science.