Remote or Office? Wrong Question!

“Workers are drawn to, and most productive in, workspaces with which they identify.” Josh Freed, Founder and CEO, Proximity  When Josh Freed and I first did an Episode of ProCO360 in 2019, Covid was not yet a thing and coworking was just expanding from new and novel to an established niche option for conducting business. Ha, all that seems so long ago!  I wanted to reunite with Josh to see how Proximity has been riding the wave of co-working and get his insights about where co-working, and remote work in general, are heading.  One point, that workers now are drawn to, and most productive in, workspaces with which they “identify,” really created a light bulb moment.      

Om Podcasten

Live | Work | Love Colorado (TM). The notable entrepreneurs featured live with a SPIRIT immersed in Colorado. They work passionate, long hours, so these are not stories about “work-life balance." Colorado entrepreneurs know that some days you just get the view from your office, other days its a bike ride and beer with a client... in PROCO360 guests share their lessons, mistakes, and fascinating stories other can learn from. “LIVE – WORK – LOVE COLORADO” (TM).