Brand like a GIRL: Productivity Mastery #110 with Raya Drenski

Raya Drenski is a brand strategist, mentor and co-founder of a startup consultancy and several consumer brands. She believes that a better elaborate brand helps a company or a person thrive! So she devised the Brand Like a Girl workshop to help more people fight biases and better describe their inner richness. Tune in!

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What if you had one place where you can listen to the untold stories of some of the most accomplished and inspiring leaders in the world? In this podcast, productivity & performance coach, Stoyan Yankov, welcomes: 🎙 Unicorn founders & entrepreneurs 🎙 Top-level executives from leading companies 🎙 Best-selling authors & experts 🎙 And many other extraordinary individuals! You will learn their best habits, strategies & mindsets and hear compelling conversations around #performance, #leadership, #entrepreneurship, #PersonalDevelopment & #TeamCulture. Tune in and enjoy the journey!