Bullish Thinking: Reaching the Optimal Performance Zone and Tackling Life’s Uncertainties: Productivity Mastery #91 with Alden Cass

In episode #91 of Productivity Mastery, we present to you Dr. Alden Cass, with whom we talked about Bullish Thinking and Reaching the Optimal Performance Zone and Tackling Life’s Uncertainties. Cass shared a lot of valuable information from his great expertise, including: 💡 What are the biggest struggles of Wall Street’s highest performers, 💡 What is bullish thinking and how does it help us on our journey to success, 💡 How to achieve work/life balance during the pandemic, 💡 An intriguing productivity tool, called The Three Lists, and much more! Dr. Alden Cass, author of “Bullish Thinking: The Advisor’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving on Wall Street” and “The Bullish Thinking Guide for Managers,” specializes in working directly with senior executives, including high-profile CEO’s, traders, financial advisors, planners, athletes, musicians, and bankers, helping them to achieve their corporate, career, and personal goals. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and an expert on the use of psychology in the brokerage industry. Additionally, he is a board member of The National Association of Investment Professionals (NAIP) and FM World Charities. He conducted a groundbreaking behavioral healthcare study on retail stockbrokers that indicated that 23 percent of the group measured met criteria for major depression. He writes columns for thestreet.com, On Wall Street Magazine, and Traderdaily.com where skills are offered to improve the traders’ and advisor’s performance edge throughout volatile markets. Alden has created the “Bullish Thinking Workshop,” “Subtle Sales” and “Channeled Rage workshops” for use in both the financial and legal realms. His company works directly with brokerage houses and hedge funds to assess, intervene, and eventually meet the bottom lines of each employee in terms of productivity. Workshops are also focused on team building and team effectiveness. His research has been presented at both national and international conferences (A.P.A., ICPP). Cass has also conducted workshops with the Security Industry Association, The Wall Street Branch Managers Meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Silver and Zinc Institutes, and the London Bullion Market Association. Tune in!

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