How to PERFORM in Uncertain Times: Productivity Mastery #120 with Yael Rozencwajg

In episode #120 of Productivity Mastery, we dive into the deep waters of How we can #PERFORM in Uncertain times. And luckily we’re in good hands, as Yael Rozencwajg is our guest today. She’s a very inspiring woman, with a vast background in entrepreneurship and technology. Keep in mind that she founded her first startup only at the age of 20! Yael shared a lot with us, including: 💡How her first starup failed & how to know when to stop, 💡 Not everybody can be a leader, but everybody can take ownership, 💡 Mental toughness in uncertain times for leaders, 💡 Building a strong team that can put up through a crisis, and much more! Yael Rozencwajg is the Founder and CEO of The Road to Sustainability, and Nevelab Technologies, a purpose-driven platform for large enterprises. She is 20+ years serial entrepreneur in tech, working with corps, startup advisor. And last but not least, she is running a podcast. 🚀 I'm looking forward to hearing more about her passions, the businesses she runs, and most importantly, HOW SHE PERFORMS IN UNCERTAIN TIMES. 😎🤗 Enjoy listening and stay #productive! #leadership #podcast #creativity

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What if you had one place where you can listen to the untold stories of some of the most accomplished and inspiring leaders in the world? In this podcast, productivity & performance coach, Stoyan Yankov, welcomes: 🎙 Unicorn founders & entrepreneurs 🎙 Top-level executives from leading companies 🎙 Best-selling authors & experts 🎙 And many other extraordinary individuals! You will learn their best habits, strategies & mindsets and hear compelling conversations around #performance, #leadership, #entrepreneurship, #PersonalDevelopment & #TeamCulture. Tune in and enjoy the journey!