Productivity & Positive Impact: Productivity Mastery #114 with Masami Sato

In episode #114 of Productivity Mastery, we welcome Masami Sato - a radiating and inspiring personality with a mission to help businesses around the world make a positive impact through their daily business activities. Masami Sato shared a lot with us, including: 💡 How to create a community with a shared mission, 💡 What are the foundations of a giving and caring world, 💡 What are some secrets of Japanese efficiency, 💡 Japanese leadership styles, and much more! Masami was born in Japan, but her desire to expand her horizons took her on a global journey. She became deeply concerned about the inequalities and other challenges that existed in the world. Since then, she has endeavored to create real WIN-WIN connections across all cultures, people and organisations to realise a different world. She has been a serial entrepreneur since 2001, starting and running several commercial enterprises, all aiming to transform the way businesses are operated today. And by taking a completely new look at the power of giving, she founded B1G1 (Buy1GIVE1) in 2007. Masami’s approach to life is very different. She brings a new, almost upside-down strategy to everything she does. And she also radiates it through her writing and speaking. She has authored four books including, ‘JOY - The gift of acceptance, trust and love’, ‘GIVING BUSINESS – Creating the maximum impact in the meaning-driven world’ and ‘Better Business, Better Life, Better World’. Masami’s career has followed her diverse talent and skills having been a teacher, translator, natural food chef (and a farmer!), author and award-winning entrepreneur as well as a mother of two teenage children. She is a two-time TEDx speaker and is frequently invited to international events, podcasts and interviews. Tune in! 

Om Podcasten

What if you had one place where you can listen to the untold stories of some of the most accomplished and inspiring leaders in the world? In this podcast, productivity & performance coach, Stoyan Yankov, welcomes: 🎙 Unicorn founders & entrepreneurs 🎙 Top-level executives from leading companies 🎙 Best-selling authors & experts 🎙 And many other extraordinary individuals! You will learn their best habits, strategies & mindsets and hear compelling conversations around #performance, #leadership, #entrepreneurship, #PersonalDevelopment & #TeamCulture. Tune in and enjoy the journey!