The Path to Presence and Confidence: Productivity Mastery #87 with Milica Radak

In episode #87 of Productivity Mastery, we're paying attention to a very important topic, especially for the female entrepreneurs - The Path to Presence and Confidence. Our guest is the inspiring Milica Radak, whose amazing story you can read below. Milica shared with us a lot of valuable lessons, including: 💡  The importance of embracing your emotions and listening to your body, 💡  Living your womanhood, 💡  How to deal with past guilt, shame and fear, 💡  How to be more mindful and confident, and much more! Milica Radak was born in Belgrade, Serbia and immigrated to Canada when she was 11 years old. She is also a single mom of 2 amazing girls, and someone whose life mission is to live as easy, as joyful and as peaceful of a life as possible. But it wasn’t always this way. Milica grew up believing that “Life is hard. A struggle. A survival game.” Thus, it was not too foreign to her when she started struggling with food and body image during her teenage years. Like most, Milica turned to dieting, starvation, overexercising and desperately seeking safety in her own body. It didn’t feel safe to be at her natural weight, so she forced and manipulated her body through food and exercise just to fit into a social ideal. After having her children, Milica started investing more time into herself and her own well-being. She started seeking answers to the most important questions like: “What do I really want from life?” and “Do I really want to spend all my time thinking about food and how to be skinny?" And once she asked, answers started pouring in...  Milica knew she wanted peace, freedom and joy. "I knew I wanted more, so I went after it with all I had. Now, I have finally come to a place where I can hold space for other people’s stories and guide them to their own path to feeling confident in their body while enjoying the foods they love, still being mindful of their physical, emotional and mental health." Having gone through a massive personal transformation and learned countless valuable lessons on her journey, today Milica works as a mentor and coach. Milica provides personal coaching and uniquely-tailored guidance through highly effective mindfulness and self-awareness techniques, and helps people to break free from their patterns so that they can begin designing the future of their dreams. Find Milica on Instagram as @barenaked_me and learn more via Enjoy listening and stay #productive!

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What if you had one place where you can listen to the untold stories of some of the most accomplished and inspiring leaders in the world? In this podcast, productivity & performance coach, Stoyan Yankov, welcomes: 🎙 Unicorn founders & entrepreneurs 🎙 Top-level executives from leading companies 🎙 Best-selling authors & experts 🎙 And many other extraordinary individuals! You will learn their best habits, strategies & mindsets and hear compelling conversations around #performance, #leadership, #entrepreneurship, #PersonalDevelopment & #TeamCulture. Tune in and enjoy the journey!