Ep. #5 - Prof. Spira & Brother Air Q&A, Live Music, ComFest, & Ehret Day Celebration

Brother Air joins Prof. Spira in the studio for a live Q&A session, music, and a talk about the connection between music & the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Click HERE to learn how to help us with this year's Ehret Day Celebration: https://info.mucusfreelife.com/Ehret-Day-Fundraiser Early-Bird Tickets for Ehret Day Available Now: https://info.mucusfreelife.com/ehret-day-2019 Interested in Volunteering at the Ehret Day Celebration? Click Here: https://forms.gle/VRrdGHqZFapdAji38

Om Podcasten

It can be challenging to upgrade and sustain a new, healthier lifestyle. Join Mucusless Diet Healing System expert, jazz musician, author, and educator Prof. Spira for a weekly podcast about the most revolutionary and world-changing lifestyle on the planet. If you are interested in natural healing, starting or maintaining a plant-based diet, or simply want to plug into some good vibes about mucus-free living, this podcast is for you.