Feminism and Love

Professor Kozlowski continues his discussion of Love in the 20th Century by examining the four waves of feminism and touching on several important texts written by feminist authors on the subject of Love: namely Simone De Beauvoir's The Second Sex, Shulamith Firestone's The Dialectic of Sex, Annette Baier's "Unsafe Loves", and Virgina Held's The Ethics of Care. If you have questions or topic suggestions for Professor Kozlowski, e-mail him at profbkozlowski2@gmail.com To see what else Professor Kozlowski is up to, visit his webpage: https://professorkozlowski.wordpress.com/

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Professor Kozlowski lectures on various subjects in Philosophy, Theology, and the Humanities. For a list of courses and projects, visit his website at: https://professorkozlowski.wordpress.com/