The Effect of Quarantine on Kids

When the country went into lockdown this spring, it forced kids to adapt to a new life at home. The adjustment for them--and their parents -- has been huge. Experts still aren’t sure what will happen in the upcoming school year, meaning kids could be living in quarantine for much longer. Kristen V. Brown reports on what we how children are coping with the virus so far.See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

For much of human history, we’ve turned to diets to lose weight and improve our health. But it’s mostly been in vain. No matter how much the number on the scale drops begins to go down, chances are that the weight will come back. That’s just what the science says. But when it comes to weight, the facts just don’t seem to matter. Losing It, a new series from Bloomberg’s Prognosis, looks at how we got weight loss so wrong — and whether there’s a better way forward.