PBS 141 — Generating UML Class Diagrams with Mermaid (Don't Cuddle the Mermaid)

In the last installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart taught us all about UML class diagrams for documenting the structure of our code. In this installment, Bart teaches us how to use the ASCII diagramming tool Mermaid to make our class diagrams. The advantage of Mermaid over a graphical tool to make our diagrams is that we’ll be able to use Git to do version control for them. I think the most important part of this installment was when we learned that we shouldn’t ever cuddle the mermaid. You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes at pbs.bartificer.net.

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A collaborative project between Bart Busschots and Allison Sheridan to sneak up on real programming in small easy steps, using the allure of the web as the carrot to entice people forward.