E89 Passion from Project Management with Ricardo Vargas

In this episode of Project Management Office Hours Ricardo Vargas joins PMO Joe for an exciting discussion on the topics of Transformation, Crisis Management, Project Economy, passion in work-life balance, and more! We talk about work-life balance and how we can manage having a life outside of work. The moment we reverse it to say it is a life-work balance is the moment we gain control and passion for what we are doing. Balance will fall into place because we realize what to prioritize. Ricardo talks about this further with Joe and describes “When you think that there is a work life balance, you are in some way saying that when you work, you don't live. So, you need to stop working to start living. And for me, in the end, there is only life. This is my passion component.” -Ricardo “At the UN, the projects are driven by an extraordinarily keen sense of how you can improve people's lives through rebuilding cities after disaster or war-torn countries. On the other side, the environment is how can you help your client to save money? But in the end, both have the same intention to increase the efficiency of things we want to do.” -Ricardo Specializing in implementing innovative global initiatives, capital projects and product development, Ricardo has directed dozens of projects across industries and continents, managing more than $20 billion in global initiatives over the past 25 years. Ricardo shares his expertise with millions of professionals around the globe through his “5 Minutes Podcast,” which he’s hosted since 2007. He has written 15 books on numerous topics and his influence on the sector was affirmed when he became the first Latin American to be elected Chairman of the Project Management Institute. Listen to Ricardo Vargas and PMO Joe discuss these topics further in E89 on Project Management Office Hours and do not forget to subscribe https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/project-management-office-hours/id1398533604 Passionate about transforming ideas into action, Ricardo Vargas is a chief advocate in the project economy. Learn more and connect with Ricardo Vargas https://ricardo-vargas.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardovargas https://twitter.com/rvvargas https://www.instagram.com/rvvargas/ Thank you to THE PMO SQUAD and The PMO Leader for sponsoring this show. Are you struggling to find the best PM resources to drive your projects and PMO forward? Contact The PMO Squad to learn how they can help you drive successful project outcomes. Learn more about The PMO Squad - www.thepmosquad.com Where do PMO Leaders go for Information, Learning, Networking and Services? The PMO Leader community has Everything You Need to Become a Great PMO Leader. One PMO World, One Community! Learn more about The PMO Leader - www.thepmoleader.com

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Project Management Office Hours explores the humanity and reality of Project Management. You get to know the leaders in the Project Management industry and understand their story. Hosted by Joe Pusz, PMO Joe, Project Management Advocate and CEO & Founder of THE PMO SQUAD and The PMO Leader.