E99 Don’t be a Waiter with Ben Peters

In this episode of Project Management Office Hours, Ben Peters and PMO Joe discussed Ben’s journey in the PMO space, Portfolio Management along with Engineering and Project Management in Cape Town! Ben’s unique experience as professional spans over 18 years within the mining, oil and gas, telecoms, food, health care and the government sectors. With significant experience as a seasoned professional in all aspects of Project Management. As we learn about his story and path into the PMO space he started not within the Project Management field rather an industrial engineering. “After industrial engineering studies, I found myself in the project management space applying those industrial engineering principles—Always be proactive. I am known within the city of Cape Town as an implementer, as a driver, as a continuous enforcer. I'm striving for change. I like change. I'm not waiting for anything because it's just changing your mindset and maximizing those skills in the project management field.” Those early career experiences were setting the stage for a successful Project Management career as he learned the importance of mindset, organization, and management. Ben shared that he enjoys solving problems and helping others. In Cape town he worked on a project to help citizens impacted with Covid-19. “You sometimes take it for granted, but it's a great contribution that we do in the project management group that we're touching lives. I think that's the reason why I keep on working in this space.” As a government agency it is amazing to see the applications in project management take place and have such an impact on so many lives. We often tend to think of just business when it comes to PMO, however it applies to anything as Ben has experienced. Listen to the full episode: https://www.thepmosquad.com/podcasts/project-management-office-hours/episodes/2147691055 Connect with Ben: Company Website - www.capetown.gov.za LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-peters-b-eng-hons-pr-eng-pmp-pr-cpm-mba-3a24bb7/ To catch up on previous episodes visit the Project Management Office Hours website - https://www.thepmosquad.com/podcasts/project-management-office-hours Or see the guest list for upcoming shows - https://www.thepmosquad.com/podcast Thank you to THE PMO SQUAD and The PMO Leader for sponsoring this show. The PMO Squad is a leading provider of PMO and Project Management services in the US. They assist clients building and improving PMOs, provide Project Management Consulting services, deliver custom Project Management Training and provide Project Management staffing services. Learn more about The PMO Squad - www.thepmosquad.com Where do PMO Leaders go for Information, Learning, Networking and Services? The PMO Leader community has “Everything You Need to Become a Great PMO Leader”. One PMO World, One Community! Learn more about The PMO Leader - www.thepmoleader.com

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Project Management Office Hours explores the humanity and reality of Project Management. You get to know the leaders in the Project Management industry and understand their story. Hosted by Joe Pusz, PMO Joe, Project Management Advocate and CEO & Founder of THE PMO SQUAD and The PMO Leader.