Preventing Adverse Events in CAR T-Cell Therapy: The Evolution of Safety Protocols

Guest: Tara Graff, DO, MS Host: Charles Turck, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP While CAR T-cell therapy is an effective option for patients with certain blood cancers like lymphoma and myeloma, it’s associated with two common adverse events: cytokine release syndrome and neurotoxicity. Given those risks, safety protocols have evolved over time to include strategies like aggressive hydration, prophylactic use of corticosteroids, early intervention with tocilizumab, and multidisciplinary care. Joining Dr. Charles Turck to share her insights into how we can lower the risks of CAR T-cell therapy is Dr. Tara Graff, a medical oncologist who leads a community-based clinical trial program at Mission Cancer and Blood in Des Moines, Iowa.

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