What Does Your Dream 2024 Look Like?

With our hustle and bustle culture, we’re always in danger of burning ourselves out. The last couple of years, however, have made it even worse. It always feels like there’s something going wrong in the world--pandemics, war breakouts, etc.--that can have an effect on our business, causing us to worry about its future.No matter what’s happening in the world, though, you can still build your dream business. This Best Year Ever series can help you get clarity about what you want to experience right now. In this episode, I dive into the second challenge and it’s a powerful one!On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:3:52 - Today’s the day you jump into your time machine! What do I mean?5:50 - I reveal the best place to start as you go through today’s exercises. This is all about getting intentional.7:03 - I give examples of how you can use this exercise to upgrade your life (with a little insight from my own life).9:24 - How can you upgrade your business and have it support the life you want?10:10 - This is when you bring some numbers into play. You need to think about it in two parts.Mentioned in What Does Your Dream 2024 Look Like?Best Year Ever ChallengeGet Paid CalculatorDouble Double by Cameron HeroldRacheal on Instagram and TikTokLeave a review on Apple Podcasts

Om Podcasten

If you're fed up with the non-stop solopreneur grind… I'm so glad you've found The Promote Yourself to CEO Show! Each week, join host Racheal Cook MBA for candid conversations about stepping into your role as CEO of your business, the hard lessons learned along the way, and practical, profitable strategies to grow a sustainable business without the hustle and burnout. Listen in to the latest show and connect with Racheal at http://www.theceocollective.com or on Instagram @racheal.cook to continue the conversation!