How to pronounce -KN | mova

Welcome to the very first episode of the Promova podcast! We've split the podcast into two parts, and you are listening to the part called"Mova." Kate, a language learning expert with 15 years of experience teaching English teaching and head of tutors at Promova, led this section. It’s all about learning English — grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In today's episode, Kate unravels the mystery of pronouncing words that start with the letters "kn-." From the silent "k" in words like "knight" and "knock" to fascinating historical insights, common homophones like "know" and "no," and fun mnemonics, this episode gets you one step closer to mastering English pronunciation! 00:05 — INTRO 00:54 — TOPIC 1:21 — RULE EXPLANATION 2:42 — HOMOPHONES 4:27 — HOMEWORK 5:05 — OUTRO Stay updated on Promova on social media, and let's keep the conversation going! Promova YouTube:   Promova Instagram:   Promova TikTok:   Promova X (former Twitter):

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Promova podcast. The podcast is divided into two parts: "Pro," which means "about" in Ukrainian, and "Mova," which is "language" in Ukrainian. The "Pro" section is hosted by Tori, our language learning enthusiast, and focuses on interviews with people who excel in teaching or learning languages. Our language learning expert, Kate, has 15 years of experience in English teaching and teacher training. She hosts the "Mova" section, which covers grammar, vocabulary, and everything related to making learning English easier. Stay updated: