Episode 125. Post-Pandemic Pet Business Challenges
Today’s coaching session is with Jenn, a dog trainer, pet sitter and dog walker in Brooklyn, New York. Like a lot of pet care providers, Jenn has been through so much in her business because of the pandemic. If you can also relate to going through the ringer because of the pandemic too, this episode is for you. Visit the show notes page: www.ProsperousPetBusiness.com/podcast125 Listen to Kristin Morrison’s other business podcast: Business Pathfinder podcast. kristinmorrison.com/business-pathfinder-podcast/ Find out more about the live monthly webinars and workshops for pet business owners. www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/webinars-for-pet-business-success Schedule a private pet business coaching session with Kristin Morrison. www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/coaching-pet-business-owners Click to apply to be coached by Kristin on the Prosperous Pet Business podcast. www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/pet-business-podcast-coaching Schedule an in-person VIP Pet Business Coaching Day in Hawaii or California. www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/vip-coaching-day-with-kristin-morrison Connect with Kristin Morrison on Instagram. www.instagram.com/petbizcoach/ Copyright © Prosperous Pet Business and Kristin Morrison www.ProsperousPetBusiness.com