12 Rules for Dentistry – IC002

Welcome to my 2nd Interference Cast - based on Jordan Peterson's book 12 Rules for Life. David Bretton and I came up with our very own 12 Rules for Dentistry! I had David come on for this because he IS Mr. Positivity in UK Dentistry. We hope you find these relevant, engaging and 'real'. This is the audio version of my Video Podcast recorded earlier this month - if you prefer to watch the video (which I prefer, you get to see our silly facial expressions!) then you can watch it on YouTube or my Facebook page Facebook.com/protrusiveor my IGTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qvDBz06WC4 Rule 1 - See Everyone Rule 2 - Create a Positive Environment Rule 3 - The patient in front of you is the most important person Rule 4 - Don't own the patient's problem Rule 5 - Do not care about your patients' teeth more than they do Rule 6 - Trust your gut Rule 7 - Take time to take care of yourself Rule 8 - Focus on your own journey Rule 9 - Have mentors (it has never been easier!) Rule 10 - There is no shame in admitting you do not know something Rule 11 - If you're not enjoying things, something needs to change Rule 12 - Enjoy the present moment and the journey

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Protrusive Dental Podcast - the forward thinking podcast for dental professionals. Join me alongside guest speakers as we discuss hot topics in Dentistry, clinical tips, continuing education and adding value to your life and career. Jaz Gulati shares his passion for Dentistry with guest speakers, covering topics such as: - Occlusion - Working Abroad - Course Reviews - Hot topics in Dentistry - Clinical tips - Personal Development