Dental Student Edition – Ace your Finals exams – PDP013

This episode is for all dental students, but particularly those in 4th and 5th year. I was joined by my friend Prateek Biyani who runs an awesome resource for students at Dental Notebook (check it out!) Our aim was to give away all our tips and advice that helped us during finals. We cover: * MCQs App* Key books that helped us* Importance of study clubs* Great resources* SoundNote app* Integrating evidence base in to your answers* Top tips for OSCEs* How to do well in a Seen patient or Finals patient exam If you found this useful, be sure to share it with your dental student colleagues. Good luck everyone!

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Welcome to the Protrusive Dental Podcast - the forward thinking podcast for dental professionals. Join me alongside guest speakers as we discuss hot topics in Dentistry, clinical tips, continuing education and adding value to your life and career. Jaz Gulati shares his passion for Dentistry with guest speakers, covering topics such as: - Occlusion - Working Abroad - Course Reviews - Hot topics in Dentistry - Clinical tips - Personal Development