To Drill or Not to Drill? – PDP027

Many Dentists still believe that caries in to dentine on a radiograph automatically means they need to start drilling - why might they be wrong? Remember that case I posted on my FB and IG page some months ago? It had SPLIT our profession down the middle as to whether you should drill those carious lesions or not. Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below! Well, I asked Louis McKenzie about this case, as well as about caries detections systems and WHEN we should be picking up the drill? Why should use a caries detection system (such as ICDAS)? Which is the best system? We share THAT case - the one that split the opinions of THOUSANDS of Dentists - find out what Louis would have done! Find out what I DID end up doing! What about cracks? Does that count as a 'cavitation' and therefore warrant restoration? We discuss a classification to describe radiographic caries. Pearl: when you place immediate resin bonded bridges, consider a split pontic technique! for the full online course - use MAY2020 before 31st May 2020 to get a discount! Click below for full episode transcript: Opening Snippet: If there's just one IGtv or YouTube episode that you watch on this podcast, in all of your existence, make it this one. This is all about to drill or not to drill, because frankly, I believe that many, many dentists all over the world on drilling caries too much, too often, and they should stop now... Jaz's Introduction: Hi, guys I'm Jaz Gulati, I will not keep you or bore you any longer. I won't go straight to the episode with the legend that is Louis McKenzie. The story behind this episode is that some months ago, I posted on the two main UK dentist Facebook groups as a UK Dentist and For Dentist, By Dentist and I post some photos of anterior caries. And I got around about I think 5000 dentists in total to actually view it according to stats I have, and 1500 or thereabouts engagement, so people actually clicking on several comments, and it split the nation down the middle. Half of you wanted to drill the life out of these legions, half of you want to slap on some fluoride and review it. So we'll find out what Louis McKenzie wanted to do was because he was anti lesions, approximately the crack line there. A lot of you are itching to get your handpiece out right now while you're watching this. But you know, it's a fun. It's a fascinating topic really is. So I'm really happy to have Louis on. Please join us for this full episode on to drill or not to drill. The answer is around about somewhere halfway, if you want to skip straight to that, but why would you? There's so much useful stuff that Louis McKenzie shares with us for caries detection process, and so much more insight and into the complexity of when or when we shouldn't be drilling into teeth. The Protrusive Dental Pearl I have for you is something that I borrowed from Louis McKenzie, and it's on my course, the resin bonded bridge masterclass, which, by the way, on the 31st of May, is going up to $90, or after the 31st of May, before 31st of May if you use the code may2020, it'll give you $68 off so it's $22 only,

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Welcome to the Protrusive Dental Podcast - the forward thinking podcast for dental professionals. Join me alongside guest speakers as we discuss hot topics in Dentistry, clinical tips, continuing education and adding value to your life and career. Jaz Gulati shares his passion for Dentistry with guest speakers, covering topics such as: - Occlusion - Working Abroad - Course Reviews - Hot topics in Dentistry - Clinical tips - Personal Development