20-1102-Practicing Positive Leadership with Prof. Kim Cameron

Plenty of research has been done on why companies go terribly wrong, but what makes companies go spectacularly right? That’s the question that Kim Cameron asked over a decade ago. Since then, Cameron and his colleagues have uncovered the principles and practices that set extraordinarily effective organizations apart from the merely successful.˽ In his previous book, Positive Leadership, Cameron identified four strategies that enable these organizations, and the individuals within them, to flourish: creating a positive climate, positive relationships, positive communication, and positive meaning. Here he lays out specific tactics for implementing them. These are not feel-good nostrums—study after study (some cited in this book) have proven positive leadership delivers breakthrough bottom-line results. Thanks to Cameron’s concise how-to guide, now any organization can be “positively deviant,” achieving outcomes that far surpass the norm. To learn more about Provocative Enlightenment Radio, go to http://www.provocativeenlightenment.com

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What does Enlightenment mean? Former criminalist, Eldon Taylor, believes that true enlightenment can only come when you learn to take charge of your own thoughts. Can you state that your beliefs truly are your own and not just adopted from ideas that are politically correct and mass approved? According to Eldon Taylor, free thinking is difficult for many reasons, ranging from the psychology of your being to the mass attempts to mold your thinking for the convenience of others! Join Eldon Taylor on Provocative Enlightenment, where nothing is too sacred to be discussed and everything is aimed at dissecting what it means to be spiritually aware in the 21st century. Provocative Enlightenment is for those of you interested in pushing the boundaries, creating waves, and breaking free!