Ep 39: Why it's worth embracing uncertainty

There’s no question that we find ourselves in uncertain times. Looking at current events and wondering about what the future may hold can leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed, to say the least.  But uncertain times aren’t always the ominous force we make them out to be. In fact, research suggests that they can create unique opportunities for growth and transformation that we wouldn’t otherwise encounter. This episode, Ella Rhodes chats with Maggie Jackson — author of Uncertain and expert on uncertainty — unpacking how uncertainty shapes our lives. Together, they explore how embracing the unknown can open doors to unexpected possibilities, and can lead us to greener pastures.   This is Episode 39 of PsychCrunch, the podcast of the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest, sponsored by Routledge Psychology. Episode Credits: Hosted by Ella Rhodes. Audio wizardry by Jeff Knowler. Edited by Emma Barratt. Missed previous episodes? Get up to date via our PsychCrunch collection page. Want to learn more? Read more about how we can embrace uncertainty in therapeutic settings with The wisdom of therapist uncertainty, over at The Psychologist.  Or check out Resilience to uncertainty by Eleanore Batteux for a practical exploration of what we can do to become resilient to future uncertainties, explored through the lens of the pandemic.  PsychCrunch is sponsored by Routledge Psychology Routledge Psychology is part of the Taylor & Francis Group, and publishing partner for the BPS Core Textbooks Series. Browse over 5 million articles, and related books. BPS members are entitled to a 25% discount on all books published by Routledge – find your discount code here and visit the dedicated BPS Member page at Routledge here.

Om Podcasten

PsychCrunch is the podcast from the British Psychological Society's Research Digest. Each episode we explore whether the findings from psychological science can make a difference in real life. Just how should we live, according to psychology? We speak to psychologists about their research and whether they apply what they've discovered in their own lives.