Podcast 559 – “Complexity and Meaning”

Follow Lorenzo on Patreon.com Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: Date this lecture was recorded: March 10, 1996 [NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna "This synesthesia thing seems to be the direction in which language has to go in order to be universal. It has to be beheld, acoustical signals don't do it." "No matter how abstract the meaning may be it ultimately is a feeling of recognition." "If you can somehow realize that the purpose of your existence is to figure it out, and then figure it out, you will be in some sense liberated from it." "The reason we are so controlled and abused and misused by our institutions is because we are divided from each other." "You cannot be a public figure and a practicing alchemist." "So if I disappear off the grid until 2005, I'll be back for the last act, I'm sure, unless, of course fate drops the cosmic safe on my head. There's always that." "Our real glory is our imagination, and we seem to be the creature with this relationship to the imagination. It is an attractor for us into the future." "Virtual reality is a place where the creativity, the staggering creativity, of psychedelics can actually find a home." "What is the designing of a drug but the building of a nano-machine?" "Belief is toxic, all belief. Don't believe in anything. Live in the presence of the felt fact of immediate experience, everything beyond that is conjecture." "In contemporary society we're always in the past and in the future, but what is real are feelings. And feelings attain a nexus only in the moment, only in the moment. So explore the edges, keep your logical razors sharp, trust nothing that you haven't verified for yourself. My faith is that the universe will take you in and share with you its meaning, and its intent, and its conclusion." Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Download a free copy of Lorenzo's latest book, The Chronicles of Lorenzo - Volume 1

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Since 2005, Lorenzo Hagerty has been podcasting interviews and talks concerning the use and benefits of psychoactive plants and chemicals, both in their natural settings and in medical research institutions. Past speakers include Sasha Shulgin, Annie Oak, Rick Doblin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Shonagh Home, Bruce Damer, Aldous Huxley and others. And there have been over 200 programs featuring talks by Terence McKenna. Also interviews with several of the now long gone elders, such as Gary Fisher, Myron Stolaroff, and Al Hubbard have also been featured.