Podcast 582 – “Graham Hancock – Glastonbury 2016”

Support Lorenzo on Patreon.com Guest speaker: Graham Hancock Graham Hancock speaking at the 2016 Glastonbury Festival PROGRAM NOTES: Date this lecture was recorded: June 2016 [NOTE: All quotations are by Graham Hancock.] "Our governments are so determined to impose these insane [War on Drugs] policies upon us that the whole credit worthiness of government in every way becomes suspect, if it was not suspect already." "I discovered that the most important aspect of ourselves is not our body. That's one of the lessons that ayahuasca teaches, that it's not our bodies that are important. It's our consciousness." "I have never regarded reality the same, since I began to work with ayahuasca." "Only a truly, psychopathically insane global human society would allow warfare to occur at all. The fact that war can snare us. The fact that we can be persuaded to go and kill other people in other lands should not be regarded as normal. This is deeply abnormal. It's the sign of a society that's gone terribly wrong." "Wherever I travel in the world I find that people are exactly the same. The same hopes, the same fears, the same dreams, the same capacity to love, we are, none of us, any different." Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Download a free copy of Lorenzo's latest book The Chronicles of Lorenzo - Volume 1

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Since 2005, Lorenzo Hagerty has been podcasting interviews and talks concerning the use and benefits of psychoactive plants and chemicals, both in their natural settings and in medical research institutions. Past speakers include Sasha Shulgin, Annie Oak, Rick Doblin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Shonagh Home, Bruce Damer, Aldous Huxley and others. And there have been over 200 programs featuring talks by Terence McKenna. Also interviews with several of the now long gone elders, such as Gary Fisher, Myron Stolaroff, and Al Hubbard have also been featured.