18. I think someone’s watching over me

Trigger Warning: aspects of gun violence are mentioned in this episode. Ok so I never thought I’d ever talk about my grandad on here because it’s honestly just too hard. He passed away in 2009 but I still very much grieve him every minute of everyday. He doesn’t come through to me as much as I wish he would, and there are reasons for that that I don’t touch on in this episode. He does send me little, subtle signs to show he’s around. This episode is about his little ways of making sure I was protected in a potentially dangerous situation.   I look forward to hearing your questions/theories/similar experiences in tomorrow’s question box on my Instagram @psychicishpodcast.    Best of luck getting to sleep tonight!! I’ll see you in two weeks xx

Om Podcasten

Lydia’s a little bit psychic but unlike the psychics you see on television - Lydia doesn’t know wtf is going on. She feels too psychic for the normal world, but too normal for the psychic world. Join Lydia as she struggles to make sense of her psychic abilities and how they’re developing.