20. Psychic abilities, meet traumatic brain injury. Be nice to each other please. (Part 1)

Hey friends! Today’s ep is a little different, it’s part 1 of a 2-3 (amount tbc) episode where I do my best to address my concerns surrounding internet trolls telling me I have schizophrenia on tiktok, how my concussion happened and how my psychic abilities were affected by the concussion. It’s a lot guys! Take a big breath!!   You can support the podcast by... Subscribing on Patreon Donating on Paypal   I’ll see you on tomorrow’s Instagram’s story at @psychicishpodcast for the episode’s question box where you can share thoughts/theories/questions from the eppy.   Aaaaaand I'll also see you in 2 weeks for part 2! Wear a helmet xx

Om Podcasten

Lydia’s a little bit psychic but unlike the psychics you see on television - Lydia doesn’t know wtf is going on. She feels too psychic for the normal world, but too normal for the psychic world. Join Lydia as she struggles to make sense of her psychic abilities and how they’re developing.