34. Is dream baby maybe my future son..?

Hi guys! Hi. So. A lot to unpack today. A lot. I told you I had extra info about my 40 year long dream and do I ever. If you haven't listened to ep 33 yet I recommend that you do so before tuning in to this one. And trust me, you won't want to miss this. You can support the podcast by:   Subscribing to Patreon Donating on Paypal Booking a reading with me (email psychicishpodcast@gmail.com for my current offerings)   I’ll see you tomorrow on the @psychicishpodcast insta story for this episode’s question box. If you're just as confused as me, come thru and share your theories, thoughts or questions.   Love you guys!! I’ll see you in two weeks!   Lyd x

Om Podcasten

Lydia’s a little bit psychic but unlike the psychics you see on television - Lydia doesn’t know wtf is going on. She feels too psychic for the normal world, but too normal for the psychic world. Join Lydia as she struggles to make sense of her psychic abilities and how they’re developing.