4. Wait, wait, wait! Hold up. You actually talk back to spirits??

Hello and happy Wednesday!! We are back for episode 4 where I tell you all about the time I acted on impulse and talked back to a spirit just to see what would happen. Between you and me, I haven't turned back since. Who doesn't love a chatty chat with an unknown entity right?   Keep up with all things Psychic-ish on my instagram @psychicishpodcast. If you think you may know someone who could enjoy the show, please share the love and pass it on! Thank you for tuning in! As always, good luck getting to sleep tonight x

Om Podcasten

Lydia’s a little bit psychic but unlike the psychics you see on television - Lydia doesn’t know wtf is going on. She feels too psychic for the normal world, but too normal for the psychic world. Join Lydia as she struggles to make sense of her psychic abilities and how they’re developing.