7. Sensing a subdued spirit

Morning y'all! In today's episode (number LUCKY SEVEN) I relive what it was like to be in the room while my Poppa passed away. I end up contrasting the subtler signs he has sent me over the years against how his wife - the grandmother who passed away before I was born - came through to me when I was 8 years old. Maybe you can answer the questions that I couldn't in this ep. What intensity would you prefer a loved one to visit you with? Something undeniable but jarring or something subtle that induces doubt that they were even there?  Let me know in Thursday's question box on my Instagram @psychicishpodcast if you've ever received a sign from a loved one

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Lydia’s a little bit psychic but unlike the psychics you see on television - Lydia doesn’t know wtf is going on. She feels too psychic for the normal world, but too normal for the psychic world. Join Lydia as she struggles to make sense of her psychic abilities and how they’re developing.