Positive Education with Michelle Tytherleigh

My guest this week is Dr Michelle Tytherleigh author of Positive Education at all Levels: Learning to Flourish, and we are talking about how we can use positive psychology in the classroom to students to flourish. Martin Seligman asked two questions: In two words or less what do you want for your children? In two words or less what do most schools teach? To answer these questions so that the responses are not contradictory or incompatible Positive Education recognises the need to incorporate wellbeing into education, into the everyday learning experience and needs to involve the whole community - teachers, leaders, parents and student. In this podcast we look at how we can do just this. Link to Michelle's book: https://books.emeraldinsight.com/download_pdf.php?k=9781837531578 Link to Worthit: https://www.worthit.org.uk/  

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The show that takes psychological research and translates it for classroom teachers so they can effectively apply it to their teaching practice to help improve outcomes for their students. Interviews with leading psychologists and other experts in the field of education, as well as deep dives into educational theory and a little bit of neuromyth busting.