The Influence of Personality on Cheating Behaviour in Education with Dr Laura Jenkins

Dr Laura Jenkins, Laura is a University Teacher in Psychology at Loughborough University, a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  Laura’s research interests focus around areas of personality and factors that could be influenced by personality.  Today we are going to be talking about how three very specific personality traits may be linked to academic misconduct (in other words cheating) and what, if anything, teachers can do to intervene and stop academic misconduct occurring.  We also talk about the challenges that face researchers trying to study both personality and cheating behaviour.     If you would like to find out more, the book Laura mentioned can be found on this link and her blogs on personality and education can be found here. 

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The show that takes psychological research and translates it for classroom teachers so they can effectively apply it to their teaching practice to help improve outcomes for their students. Interviews with leading psychologists and other experts in the field of education, as well as deep dives into educational theory and a little bit of neuromyth busting.