Premenstrual Mood Syndromes

What is the first-line treatment for premenstrual mood syndromes? In this episode, Dr. Lauren Osborne discusses premenstrual mood syndromes and offers valuable insights regarding their management. She also discusses novel medications, such as brexanolone and drospirenone.  Guest: Lauren Osborne, M.D.  Interviewer: Wegdan Rashad, M.D.  Host: Jessica Diaz, M.D. Learn more about our memberships here Earn 0.5 CMEs: Premenstrual Mood Syndromes -Interview with Lauren Osborne, M.D.

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Practical psychopharmacology updates for mental health clinicians. Useful for psychiatry / mental health professionals. Expert interviews and soundbites from CME presentations. Practical and free of commercial bias. Not sponsored by any pharmaceutical company.