Tackling NSSI in Adolescents: Can Medications Help?

Which medications are safe and effective for treating nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in children and adolescents? In this episode, we discuss the use of psychotropic medications in treating NSSI, which is becoming increasingly common in this population and can predict future suicide attempts. Faculty: David Rosenberg, M.D. Host: Richard Seeber, M.D. Learn more about our membership here Earn 0.5 CMEs: CAP Smart Takes Vol. 05 Psychotropic Drugs for Treating Nonsuicidal Self‑Injury in the Youth

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Practical psychopharmacology updates for mental health clinicians. Useful for psychiatry / mental health professionals. Expert interviews and soundbites from CME presentations. Practical and free of commercial bias. Not sponsored by any pharmaceutical company.