Silicon Valley and Beyond (with Meredith Broussard & Margaret O’Mara)

How did Silicon Valley become such a historically and globally significant hub of technological innovation? What—and who—gets left out of the stories people tell about Silicon Valley? What are the limits of technology, and how can we create more equitable technologies for the future?   Guests: Meredith Broussard is a data journalist, an associate professor [...]Read More...

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Public Books 101 takes a scholarly look at a world worth studying. In each mini-series, world-class scholars and writers join our host to examine a single topic from many angles, opening a window into the conversations that experts are having with one another about the urgent issues and problems facing us today. Public Books 101 is a production of Public Books, a magazine of arts, scholarship, and ideas. Visit for more information about the show, including a reading list designed by our guests.