Can Eating ONLY Animal Foods Improve Your Gut Health, Skin and Anxiety? Exploring the Carnivore Diet with Kurt Yazici

Hey guys! This was such a fun podcast! I got to chat with my friend, Kurt Yazici. He has a brand called “Karnivore Kurt”. His story, his book, his brand and his methods to improve overall health are incredibly fascinating. If you’re looking for answers with your dietary health, easing your anxiety or clearing your skin, he has an alternative that not many are talking about. In fact, when I first heard about the Carnivore Diet, I thought it had something to do with hunting. But after he explained and educated me on the diet and the benefits, I thought it would be fun to bring him on to the podcast to explore this topic. I know that sometimes, this can be a divisive topic. At first, I thought, “That’s kind of weird… you’re only going to eat meat?” Then, as I started to learn more about some of the benefits that he’s experienced, it felt worthy of sharing. Even if you aren’t looking to change your diet, there are unheard perspectives in here that I think would be interesting to listen to with an open mind.

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How are women like us actually living up to the pressure to balance everything? To have it together physically, emotionally, and financially. The truth is, most of us don't. Perfection is a myth we all fail. While raising babies and growing seven figure businesses online, I spent years helping women look at these three areas in their life: being strong physically, emotionally, and financially. But how does someone learn to actually do that? This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me as I pull back the curtain and talk about things that nobody usually talks about. Where I share my real, raw stories and give you tangible strategies on ways you can work through some of the same vulnerable issues we all face. My name is Natalie Hodson and welcome to the Pulling Back the Curtain Podcast.