How to Cope with Loss & Grief (A Story of Tragic Loss with Jodie Coochise)

Have you ever had to experience tragic loss in your life?  💔Or have had a loved one who is grieving? If so, you are going to love this new podcast we put up today.I had the privilege of bringing Jodi Coochise onto my podcast today, and her story made me tear up, smile, and get goosebumps... all at the same time.  When Jodi was 27 years old, she was hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa with her husband.  It was something they trained for an entire year and was a bucket list adventure they had always wanted to do. As they were climbing the mountain, there was a major rock slide and Jodi’s husband was hit by the rocks and instantly died.  In our podcast today, she tells the story of what was going through her mind in the moment, how she still had to hike down the mountain to get aid, what the grieving process was like for her then and now, how she was able to eventually move on and find her current husband, things she did at the time that helped, tips for others who may have a friend or family member experiencing grief, and how she still honors her late husband to this day.  This was SUCH a beautiful story and it was such an honor to have Jodi on the podcast.  I really know you guys are going to love this one, and I am so grateful that Jodi really “pulled back the curtain” and shared the real, raw parts of her story.  XoNataliePS - Jodi is a licensed psychologist in Boston, if you would like to connect with her more you can find her here: Also, here are links to the books she mentioned in the podcast: “It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok” by Megan Divine (Amazon: and Audible:“The Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion (Amazon: and Audible:  

Om Podcasten

How are women like us actually living up to the pressure to balance everything? To have it together physically, emotionally, and financially. The truth is, most of us don't. Perfection is a myth we all fail. While raising babies and growing seven figure businesses online, I spent years helping women look at these three areas in their life: being strong physically, emotionally, and financially. But how does someone learn to actually do that? This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me as I pull back the curtain and talk about things that nobody usually talks about. Where I share my real, raw stories and give you tangible strategies on ways you can work through some of the same vulnerable issues we all face. My name is Natalie Hodson and welcome to the Pulling Back the Curtain Podcast.