Shame and How It's Holding You Back From Achieving EVERYTHING You Want In Your Life- LIVE Presentation

Shame and How It's Holding You Back From Achieving EVERYTHING You Want In Your Life- LIVE Presentation   I am OBSESSED with the idea that... Just because you failed, doesn't mean you're a failure. Failing is an act, a failure is your identity. The thing about identity is that it's malleable. You can put steps in place to change things about yourself. So anyway we look at a time we've screwed up, failed a class, messed up a promotion, felt like we did a bad job as parents, we have the chance to change it and fix it.   I have put so much shame around failure in my past and I think it's important to learn how to work through that and get past it so that it doesn't keep you from trying again. So today,I pulled the audio from a live presentation I did in my 30 Day Challenge and shared it with all of you.   I hope you love it!   xoxo,   Natalie

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How are women like us actually living up to the pressure to balance everything? To have it together physically, emotionally, and financially. The truth is, most of us don't. Perfection is a myth we all fail. While raising babies and growing seven figure businesses online, I spent years helping women look at these three areas in their life: being strong physically, emotionally, and financially. But how does someone learn to actually do that? This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me as I pull back the curtain and talk about things that nobody usually talks about. Where I share my real, raw stories and give you tangible strategies on ways you can work through some of the same vulnerable issues we all face. My name is Natalie Hodson and welcome to the Pulling Back the Curtain Podcast.