The Most Powerful Advice for Business I WISH I Would Have Known About 3 Years Ago

I love helping people with their business. It’s what lights me up. Today, this podcast episode will do just that and I hope it lights you up, too!   Because of COVID, I haven’t been able to do a lot of the public speaking that I started doing over the last few years. But this episode is a recording of a speaking event I was asked to do by my mentor Russell Brunson. I share the most powerful advice for business I WISH I would have known years ago.    I didn’t have anyone showing me the ropes when I first started, which is why I now feel really passionate about doing that for other people. But I really think that even if you’re not in business, my story and what I’ve learned is applicable in a lot of areas.    During this speaking event, I share my story, my struggles, my wins, and what I’ve learned. I talk about connection, and how creating authentic and strong connections with people turned into my magic superpower.    My talents aren’t about writing books, making workout programs, or even marketing! My talent really is just learning how to connect to people through authenticity and vulnerability.    Through numbers, data, and testing, I learned what works. And what works is connection.   I hope you love this episode!   Thank you for listening!   xo Natalie   P.S. I would love it if you would rate and subscribe to this podcast! It really does make such a huge difference!

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How are women like us actually living up to the pressure to balance everything? To have it together physically, emotionally, and financially. The truth is, most of us don't. Perfection is a myth we all fail. While raising babies and growing seven figure businesses online, I spent years helping women look at these three areas in their life: being strong physically, emotionally, and financially. But how does someone learn to actually do that? This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me as I pull back the curtain and talk about things that nobody usually talks about. Where I share my real, raw stories and give you tangible strategies on ways you can work through some of the same vulnerable issues we all face. My name is Natalie Hodson and welcome to the Pulling Back the Curtain Podcast.