Deliver great customer experience by including your customers - Interview with Mark Hurst of Creative Good

Today’s interview is with Mark Hurst, who founded Creative Good in 1997, a New York based consulting and services company focused on the customer experience. Today, he joins me to talk about his new book: Customers Included: How to Transform Products, Companies, and the World - With a Single Step, that he recently co-authored with his colleague Phil Terry. This interview follows on from my recent interview: How to create a successful, mission driven business in a profit driven world – Interview with Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff of Honest Tea – and is number seventy seven in the series of interviews with authors and business leaders that are doing great things and helping businesses innovate, become more social and deliver better service.

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An ongoing series of interviews where I, Adrian Swinscoe, interview leading entrepreneurs, leaders and thought leaders about how to deliver stand out customer experience and service. Essentially, I'm looking for practical clues that will help you build a business that both customers and employees love. Topics covered in the interviews include customer service, experience and engagement, employee experience and engagement, technology, adaptable and responsive organizations, high-performing teams and all such related issues. Note: This podcast series was originally known as the RARE Business podcast but rebranded in late 2019 on the back of the publication of my book: Punk CX.