How to safely realise the enormous potential of Al - Interview with Juliette Powell and Art Kleiner

Today’s interview is with Juliette Powell and Art Kleiner. Juliette is an author, entrepreneur, technologist, and strategist, who works at the intersection of culture, data science, and ethics and Art is a writer, editor, consultant/facilitator and entrepreneur with a background in technology, business culture, scenario thinking and organizational learning. They are both faculty members at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications and Interactive Media Arts program and have recently co-authored a new book called The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for Responsible Technology. Juliette and Art join me on the podcast to talk about the book, the four challenges we face to regain control of our personal data, the five steps businesses can take to build AI accountability, the regulation of AI, the three things teams need to consider in developing or using systems that generate texts, images, or other content amongst a whole bunch of other things. This interview follows on from my recent interview – The science behind repairing trust – Interview with Professor Peter Kim – and is number 484 in the series of interviews with authors and business leaders who are doing great things, providing valuable insights, helping businesses innovate and delivering great service and experience to both their customers and their employees.

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An ongoing series of interviews where I, Adrian Swinscoe, interview leading entrepreneurs, leaders and thought leaders about how to deliver stand out customer experience and service. Essentially, I'm looking for practical clues that will help you build a business that both customers and employees love. Topics covered in the interviews include customer service, experience and engagement, employee experience and engagement, technology, adaptable and responsive organizations, high-performing teams and all such related issues. Note: This podcast series was originally known as the RARE Business podcast but rebranded in late 2019 on the back of the publication of my book: Punk CX.