What is a Chief Customer Officer: Interview with Vala Afshar of Enterasys

This is the fourteenth in the series of interviews with business leaders in the ‘customer’ space, leading authors, thought leaders and general all round good guys and gals, that I think that you will find interesting and helpful in growing your businesses. Previously, in Customer complaints are great, I spoke to Michael Hill of ComplaintsRGreat (complaintsrgreat.com), a business that specialises in helping businesses manage customer complaints better. Today, I wanted to introduce you to Vala Afshar, Chief Customer Officer for Enterasys, who I connected with on Twitter after he spotted my post: What else can you do with customer testimonials? and retweeted it. Following that, I reached out to Vala being intrigues by his title: Chief Customer Officer and asked him if he'd like to be interviewed for the blog.

Om Podcasten

An ongoing series of interviews where I, Adrian Swinscoe, interview leading entrepreneurs, leaders and thought leaders about how to deliver stand out customer experience and service. Essentially, I'm looking for practical clues that will help you build a business that both customers and employees love. Topics covered in the interviews include customer service, experience and engagement, employee experience and engagement, technology, adaptable and responsive organizations, high-performing teams and all such related issues. Note: This podcast series was originally known as the RARE Business podcast but rebranded in late 2019 on the back of the publication of my book: Punk CX.