#42: Jos de Blok of Buurtzorg | How can healthcare be revolutionized?

Leaderless Leadership: This is the key element within the philosophy of Jos de Blok and his 2006 founded NGO Buurtzorg. The Dutch not-for-profit is a network of over 15,000 nurses and care workers organised into smaller autonomous teams of up to 12 members who work together to meet their patients’ needs. There are no bosses or leaders - just people who can and should be trusted, not controlled. Jos is the founder and CEO of Buurtzorg (neighborhood nursing), an organization offering community based (home) care services to more than 70.000 patients a year. As a community based and client centered organization, Buurtzorg connects highly qualified licensed nurses and clients to create positive and proactive solutions that are effective, holistic, and sustainable. Tune in for this new episode with discussions around the importance of self-organized teams, social movements and purpose-driven leadership. Have fun!

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Wir sind Boris, Moritz & Alex und überzeugt davon, dass Projekte, die mehr als Profit im Sinn haben, erfolgreicher sind. Und diese Nachricht tragen wir nach außen. Nachhaltiges Handeln wird zunehmend wichtiger für Firmen, Mitarbeiter*innen, Kund*innen und die Umwelt. Wir reden nicht mit Weltverbesserer*innen, sondern mit Expert*innen, die uns Insights zu Projekten der besonderen Art vermitteln. Erfahrungsberichte & Geschichten, die unsere Zuhörer*innen unterhalten und inspirieren sollen. Abonniert & folgt uns!