Ownership Inside: Risto Väyrynen, how Family Office can turn values into action?

This time in the Ownership Inside podcast, Marko Korkiakoski Partner and Private Company Services Leader of PwC Finland and EMEA Startup/Scaleup Network Leader invites CEO & founder of the Impact Office Risto Väyrynen to talk about the impact a family office can have. What do family offices do and what makes them stand out? How family office definition and the entire industry evolved over time? Is there anything family offices could learn from VCs? What is Impact Investing? Listen to the episode and find out, as Risto shares his own story and how family offices make an impact and help create a sustainable future.

Om Podcasten

PwC:n podcastissa keskustellaan yritysjohdon agendalla olevista teemoista PwC:n asiantuntijoiden ja vaihtuvien vieraiden kanssa. Aiheemme koskevat niin vastuullista bisnestä, omistajuutta, johtamista kuin verojakin.