Self-Organisation for advanced learners, w/ Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Christiane is a self-organization specialist, TED speaker, coach and an entrepreneur. She has been among the first to teach and implement Holacracy since 2009. Her journey has led her to address in a very deep way the People dimension of self-organization. In her new book called “New Stories of Love, Power and Purpose”, she invites us to understand our human potential and gives us some tools to unleash it. In this interview, she lays out some key distinctions that help me refine even deeper my understanding of what self organization means. In particular: What does self-organization actually mean if you look closer? What in the powershift is the most difficult for leaders? Why do words such as “leaders” do not make sense anymore in Self-organizations? The need to distinct and address two connected but totally different contexts, People and Organization, what it means and and how to address them? The definition of Purpose as an evolutionary need, distinct from a fabricated need. The understanding of people as Purpose agent and what it means in the organization culture. and much more! I warmly recommend this podcast for people passionate and willing to deepen their understanding of the subtle but radical changes at play when we evolve towards self-organization. To know more about about Christiane, her services and her books, visit

Om Podcasten

This podcast is dedicated to leaders and the change makers who are truly willing to evolve their organization from hierarchy to empowerment, and are wondering how to succeed this transition. It features business leaders who took this journey far ahead as well as seasoned practitioners and forefront doers. We share their stories, take their advice, and bring you refreshing inspiration to explore how we can truly create greater outcome, as we evolve from pyramid to self-organisation.