Working beneath the surface - W/ Diane Musho Hamilton

In this episode, I have the pleasure to interview Diane Musho Hamilton, a person I deeply respect and consider as one of my biggest masters. She shares  how the 2 polarities -Sameness and Otherness - affect group dynamics at the deepest level, and how to work with them in order to progress in consciousness and in creativity. Diane Musho Hamilton is an award-winning mediator and a teacher of Zen meditation. She received dharma transmission from Genpo Merzel Roshi in 2006. Diane served as the Director of Dispute Resolution for the Utah Judiciary from 1994 - 1999, mediating many kinds of matters, from simple neighborhood disputes to complex, multi-party negotiations. She was most recognized for her skills in facilitating difficult conversations related to race, gender, and religion. She began working with Ken Wilber and the Integral Institute in 2004 and for fifteen years has held transformative containers for many people interested in their own development. She is the author of three books, most recently Compassionate Conversations, co-authored with Gabriel Wilson and Kimberly Loh.

Om Podcasten

This podcast is dedicated to leaders and the change makers who are truly willing to evolve their organization from hierarchy to empowerment, and are wondering how to succeed this transition. It features business leaders who took this journey far ahead as well as seasoned practitioners and forefront doers. We share their stories, take their advice, and bring you refreshing inspiration to explore how we can truly create greater outcome, as we evolve from pyramid to self-organisation.