How to Feel More Confident About Your Body - with Stephenie Farrell, Body Confidence Coach

Do you feel unhappy with your appearance? You're not alone. Body dissatisfaction is an issue that affects a real majority of people today. So many of us believe that we need to change the way that we look in order to feel happy and be accepted. Throughout our lives, we can give an enormous amount of time, money and attention to our desire to change our appearance, sometimes even taking massive health risks. But does it work? And what else could be going on? Body Confidence Coach, Stephenie Farrell joins Hayley in this episode to help us understand why this phenomenon occurs, and how you can begin to feel more confident about your body, just the way it is.Look out for a Quiet Connections workshop from Stephenie Farrell coming very soon! Like us on Facebook or sign up to our newsletter here to be the first to know more: OUR GUESTStephenie Farrell, DSHom., Med., Hons.,CBP, EFTi - Body Confidence CoachAs a Body Confidence Coach, Stephenie’s goal is to help women accept theirbodies, end emotional eating, and make peace with food. She’s a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Emotional Success Coach, iRest Informed Yoga Nidra Instructor, Trauma-sensitive Yoga Instructor, and received her certifications in Homeopathy, Bowen and Reflexology. Stephenie is a published author and has written for Vista, Alive, and Viva magazines. She’s hosted for EFT Radio Online (LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE, Creating Wealth & Prosperity, and Clarity. Power. Results. The Natural Health Influencer Podcast) and is a sought-after workshop facilitator and speaker. www.stepheniefarrell.comSupport the show

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Do you feel anxious in social situations? Think you're not good enough? Join us on a journey from anxiety to confidence, collecting puzzle pieces to help you feel more calm & courageous so you can speak up, join in & feel like you belong. If you’re struggling with everyday tasks that other people seem to find easy; or avoiding social situations for fear of rejection and criticism, this is the podcast for you. Whether you experience panic attacks, social anxiety, or simply a feeling that you’re “too quiet” and “not good enough”, you’ll be gaining insights from those who have been where you are right now to help you move beyond fear and anxiety, reframe quiet and grow your confidence so you can live your life the way you want to. Join Hayley & Stacie to explore the journey from socially anxious to quietly confident; collecting tools and techniques to help you to manage those anxious feelings and move towards self-acceptance and practicing self-compassion, to understanding how your thoughts are not reality, and why how you are isn’t who you are. You’ll pick up a variety of tips along the way, so that you, too, can feel calmer, more confident and experience more joy doing the things you really want to. The Quiet Connections podcast is brought to you from