10 Best Times To Get A Reading + Michael Jackson Case Study
Most people come to a reading for one of these 10 reasons. If you have a reading coming up these are 10 things you might want to bring up in the reading. I use Michael Jackson's chart to illustrate several of these concepts. The 10 best times to get a reading / 10 things you might to bring up in a reading: Crisis or curiosity Major transits (Solar eclipse, Sa, Ra/Ke, Ju transits) Solar Return (Birthday) Choosing important dates (Wedding, conception, moving, investing, etc) Relationship synastry New relationship New career path Sade Sati Saturn Return Dasha Sandhi Free Weekly Horoscopes & Exclusive offers: http://www.quietmindastrology.com/freehoroscopes Free Vedic Birth Chart & Training: http://www.quietmindastrology.com/freebirthchart Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/quietmindastrology YouTube: http://www.quietmindastrology.com/youtube Mentorship Waitlist: http://www.quietmindastrology.com/mentorship Keywords: nakshatras, grahas (planets), rashi (zodiac signs), bhavas (houses), mahadasha, antardasha, jyotish (astrology), yoga (planetary combinations), doshas (afflictions), kundali (birth chart), transits, retrograde, aspects, dasha system, remedies, mantras, shani, chani, chandra, mangala, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Rahu, Ketu.