Tafseer AL Quran Surat Al-Baqarah 183-185

The month of Ramadhan holds numerous blessings for the believers. Amongst them is the blessed night when the Qur'an was revealed, the month that Allah (swt) describes as being better than a thousand months: Lailatul Qadr. It is indeed a blessed night and we all attempt to seek it zealously. However, in our eagerness to seek it, many of us often forget the context of that night, the importance of that night for the whole of mankind and the purpose of Lailatul Qadr - the night where Allah (swt) made contact with mankind at a time when they were grovelling in their ignorance and layers of darkness. This naseehah highlights the importance of seeking the blessings of Islam while understanding the purpose behind the Deen and its aspects - and the danger that can befall us if we forget this. Verily! We have sent it (this Qur'an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree). And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah's Permission with all Decrees; Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn. (Al-Qadr, s.97)

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Islam has given us a road map to navigate through our lives in order to succeed both in Dunya and Akhirah. We must always abide by the hukm sharai’(devine rule) in all aspects of our lives. One of the principal objectives in our commitment to this website is to provide tools from the authentic sources of Islam (Qur’an & Sunnah) to develop our Islamic Personality. Maintaining the correct Islamic Personality is vital for a Muslim to be able to avoid deviation from the right path stay strong on the path that seeks pleasure from Allah (سبحانه و تعالى ). Secondly, as Muslims living in our communities, we interact with non-Muslims on a daily basis whether at work, university, school or in society at large. It is incorrect for us to cut ourselves completely from our non-Muslim society and live in isolation. We hope inha’Allah this website provides the correct tools for building relationships with non-Muslims in order to give them da’wah to embrace Islam. It is important to always remind ourselves that our purpose in this life is to carry Islam to humanity and show them the right path thereby achieving the pleasure of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى ). Insha’Allah, with the help of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى ) and our efforts we hope to advance our readers and our own understanding and carrying Islam to others.