Taraweeh Reflections Day 6 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On Taraweeh Reflection Day 6, the Sheik discusses verses 11-23 of Surah Al-A'raf in the Quran, which talks about the creation of Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām and Iblis and the command for the angels to bow down to Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām . The Sheik points out that Iblis' disobedience and refusal to bow down to Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām  was due to his arrogance and belief that he was superior to Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām  because he was created from fire while Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām  was created from clay. The Sheik highlights the difference in responses between Iblis and Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām when they made a mistake. Iblis made excuses for his disobedience and accused Allah(swt) of guiding him astray, while Adam ‘Alay-hi ‘s-salām and Eve recognized their mistake and sought forgiveness from Allah(swt). The Sheik draws parallels between the story in the Quran and the current state of the world, where individuals and nations are disobeying Allah(swt)'s commands and making excuses for their actions. The Sheik emphasizes the importance of recognizing Allah(swt) as the judge and ruler, and seeking forgiveness and mercy from Him. The Sheik warns against the influence of Shaitan, who seeks to misguide and destroy humans, and emphasizes the need for individuals and nations to follow Allah(swt)'s commands to avoid being misguided by Shaitan. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsR7TfktZZ0

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